A primavera definitivamente surgiu. Onde quer que você viva, os dias estão ficando mais longos, as temperaturas estão ficando mais quentes e a estação de renovação está a todo vapor. A primavera sempre traz novas esperanças e inspiração. É por isso que a primavera é o momen...
Read MoreIf you are gearing up for a big trip to a foreign country or even to another part of the US, it's a good idea to make the first stop on your journey your dentist's office. Your oral health is important all the time, but especially when you are traveling overseas or domestically. If you ...
Read MoreLately, there have been a number of news reports regarding the benefits of flossing every day. Some recent scientific studies have called into question the value of daily flossing, concluding that the benefits are marginal at best. So does that mean you shouldn't floss every day? Probably not. C...
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