New in Town? Choose the Best Local Dentist
Posted by on September 4, 2018 in Blog
Todays Dentistry Is Truly Pain Free

There are a lot of challenges that come with moving to a new area including finding a new place to live, settling the kids into a new school, and even finding your way around town.   Included on this list is choosing a new dentist. If you liked your old dentist and have built up a good re...

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Root Canals Aren’t Anything to Worry About
Posted by on August 29, 2018 in Blog
Dental Care for the College Freshman

Root canals get a bad rap. Most people associate root canals with pain, discomfort, and long hours in the dentist's chair.   Actually, thanks to modern dental techniques and advancements in anesthesia and pain management, root canals usually aren't very painful at all. In fact, many peopl...

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Thumb Sucking Should Be Discouraged as Children Get Older
Posted by on August 21, 2018 in Blog
Tamarac Dentist 5

During the first few months after they are born, it's not unusual for babies to suck their thumbs. Experts say it helps babies feel secure and calm because it mimics the experience of the child attaching itself to its mother.   As children get older, however, thumb sucking can begin to ha...

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Back to School Dental Appointments
Posted by on August 14, 2018 in Blog

Did you know that late summer is one of the busiest times of the year for most dentists? That's because it's right before kids are going back to school. Many schools will require students to show proof of a dental checkup and medical physical exam prior to starting school. This is especially true...

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Family Dentistry Is for Everyone in the Family
Posted by on August 7, 2018 in Blog
Family Dentistry Is for Everyone in the Family

You may have noticed that the name of our practice is McCosh Family Dentistry. The term "Family" means that we don't specialize in one specific type of dentistry, such as pediatric dentistry, geriatric dentistry, or dental treatment for adults. Instead, we specialize in all of them.   The...

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How to Choose a New Dentist
Posted by on July 25, 2018 in Blog
How to Maintain Oral Health While Traveling

There are many reasons why you might be in the market for a new dentist. Possibly you are new to the area and need to find a dentist who is closer to your new home. Or perhaps your former dentist retired. Or possibly, you weren't satisfied with the quality of service you received from your old denti...

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Leading Causes of Dental Damage
Posted by on July 24, 2018 in Blog
Changing Dentists Can Be a Challenge

Your teeth are just as susceptible to injury as other parts of your body. But with proper dental care, restoring and repairing your teeth after dental damage caused by an accident or another cause can make your teeth better than brand new.   Because your teeth are inside your mouth and su...

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Good Dental Habits Let Teeth Last a Lifetime
Posted by on July 17, 2018 in Blog
Maximizing Use It Or Lose It Dental Benefits

Paying attention to your oral health has long-term benefits. Brushing after every meal, flossing daily, and seeing your dentist regularly can help your teeth last longer and keep your smile brighter your entire life.   After your baby teeth are replaced with your permanent teeth, they don...

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When Should You Make Your Child’s First Dental Appointment?
Posted by on July 11, 2018 in Blog
Friendly and Helpful Staff Ease Dental Anxiety

Many new parents wonder when they need to bring their child to see the dentist for the first time. It's a great question.   Children's primary teeth are critical to their health. They help kids chew properly so they can maintain the proper nutrition. They are involved in speech developmen...

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Invisalign Offers a Path to Perfect Teeth
Posted by on June 27, 2018 in Blog
Strategies for Defeating Bad Breath

Wonder Woman had her invisible airplane. Harry Potter had his Cloak of Invisibility. The Invisible Man had an invisible body.   All of these fictional characters used invisibility to improve their lives and the lives of others. And now you can, too.   Now you can have straight,...

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