This One Weird Trick Can Eliminate Bad Breath Permanently
Posted by on April 2, 2019 in Blog
This One Weird Trick Can Eliminate Bad Breath Permanently

Most people who have bad breath don't realize it. Their family, their friends, and the people they work with are often too embarrassed to tell them. Instead, they simply avoid talking face-to-face with them so they don't have to be exposed to their halitosis.   That means that you could a...

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How to Tell Somebody They Have Bad Breath
Posted by on February 12, 2019 in Blog
Time Is Running Out for Student AppointmentsTime Is Running Out for Student Appointments

Do you know somebody who has bad breath all the time? Maybe it's a co-worker or a classmate. Or perhaps it's a friend or a member of your own family.   When people have chronic bad breath, they usually don't realize it themselves. And too often, the people who are close to them are too em...

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