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5800 Colonial Dr - Suite 406

Margate, Florida 33063

(954) 971-8800

Fax: 954-979-8498

Dental Care Improves Quality of Life

Dental Care for the Elderly 1

When people are young, they don’t think much about the future. But the older they get, the more they come to regret neglecting things like taking care of their teeth.


With proper care, most people’s teeth can last a lifetime. Even though they are used several times per day for chewing, gnashing, and grinding food prior to digestion, teeth are strong enough to stand up to this work and provide years of use without pain or even decay.


But that’s dependent upon proper care. If you don’t take care of your teeth daily, your teeth won’t take care of you when you get older — or even sooner. Things like sugar, food or drinks that stain, and smoking can accelerate the decay of your teeth and cut years off their productive life.


Investing in Your Teeth


When most people become older, their bodies naturally start to slow down and weaken. By the time most people enter their 70s or 80s, they have lost muscle mass, bone density, and even mobility. While these things may not be avoidable, losing the effectiveness of their teeth can be prevented with a lifetime of proper dental care.


This includes things like brushing after every meal, flossing daily, and scheduling regular checkups with your dentist. If you take these simple yet effective steps toward caring for your teeth, you can enjoy strong, productive teeth while into your golden years.


Dental Care for the Future


Adults who fail to take care of their teeth can look forward to a lot of problems later in life. This can include things like bridges, dentures, and even having to eat soft, less flavorful foods because you are missing some or all of your teeth.


Being an older adult comes with many challenges. But taking care of your teeth now can make your life easier and happier in the future.

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